
A selection of feedback received from workshops, seminars and programmes I’ve run:

“Thank you for this week, it’s one I won’t forget. Your direction has made us

“Just wanted to say a big thank you for the workshop. So much prep and thinking had to go into it!”

“The workshop was great and I took a lot away around coaching and thinking about the hows and whys of things.”

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for organising the [team session] at Willen lake, it sounds strange but that gave me the courage to do what I am doing now, it really gave me the confidence to overcome my inner most fear, stepping off the platform and walking onto that wire against everything my brain and body was telling me to do, was an amazing experience and made me realise that you can do anything you want in life if you put your mind to it. Since then I have actually got my act together and changed some of the things that I didn’t like in my life, now I’m doing something I have always wanted to do and I am the happiest I have been in years, I just wanted you to know the effect that that one day had on me and how grateful I am.”

“I believe the format itself of making it all very conversational and not over structured got more from people as it seemed to relax everybody in to being pretty honest and comfortable sharing.”

“A big benefit of the workshop is talking to others you wouldnt normally and the change of perspective is really helpful. Also, being outside of the normal working environment helps you take the proper time needed to solve issues and think things through.”

“It was different again in material and really made you think and question yourself as well as the people/processes around you.”

“Going into the first workshop I was a very new team leader and had extremely low confidence in my abilities, also felt quite limited in my decision making remit, the workshop put paid to a lot of that which gave me a much more solid platform to build on.”

“It’s a great environment to be challenged on what’s really important and reminded of the basics.”

“Thank you so much for making this week amazing and worthwhile. I have learned a lot and had a fab time.”

“Thank you for an experience to remember.”

“It has been fantastic from start to finish. Thanks for a great week.”